Help to Claim Universal Credit
What is Universal Credit
Universal Credit Replaces:
Housing Benefit
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)
Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit
Income Support
With Universal Credit, you’ll usually get one monthly payment. This payment might be higher if you:
Look after one or more children
Work and pay for childcare
Need help with housing costs
Are disabled or have a health condition
Are a carer for a disabled person
How We Can Help?
Our Help to Claim Service
How to get help from Citizens Advice
If you have questions about Universal Credit, or are having problems making a Universal Credit Application, you can get help from Citizens Advice.
What can we help with?
Accessing the internet
Checking if Universal Credit is the right benefit for you
Setting up an email address
Setting up a bank account
Starting your online universal claim
Preparing for a JobCentre Plus interview
Applying for advance payments and additional financial support
There is lots of information about Universal Credit on our public website:
After following the link above you can also speak to an adviser online using our webchat service.
Our Universal Credit Helpline is available Monday-Friday, 8am to 6pm on: 0800 144 8444
You can also drop in to speak to an adviser. Go to our Getting Advice page for details of our locations and opening times
What Details Will You Need to Make a Claim
To apply online you’ll need details of:
your National Insurance number
your postcode
your type of accommodation (for example private rental, council tenancy or housing association tenancy)
how much is your rent or mortgage (full amount, not just what’s left for you to pay after Housing Benefit)
any service charges you pay
your landlord’s address and phone number
your bank, building society, credit union or Post Office card account details
how much you earn from work (such as recent payslips, or accounts or receipts if you’re self- employed)
any income that’s not from work (for example a pension or insurance plan)
any savings or other capital you have (for example shares or property)
how much you pay for childcare (if you want to claim childcare costs)
child benefit reference numbers (you can find these on letters to you about child benefit - they start with ‘CHB’
details of any other benefits you’re getting