Getting Advice

Free, independent, confidential and impartial 

When should I get advice?

Most problems are best dealt with head on, as soon as possible. Try not to put off dealing with things.

Often problems can become more complicated when we try to ignore them, and they can start to impact on our mental well-being, our physical health and our relationships.

Sometimes our mental health can also be a barrier to us getting help we need with problems - and dealing with ongoing, complicated issues can have an affect on our mental wellbeing.  We have put together a selection of websites and apps that can help monitor mental wellbeing,  and help manage stress, anxiety and low moods, as well as where to get information and guidance on looking after your physical health, which can also be affected by prolonged stress.   Why not see if there is something that might help?

What is the Citizens Advice Approach to Advice?

Our Advisers will research your options and look at the possible outcomes of different courses of action based on your specific situation. They won't tell you what to do but will support you to make your own decisions. 

 Our Advisers always access the most up to date information so that they give you  the best and most accurate advice. They will help you to make informed choices and decisions by giving you all the facts you need.

How does Citizens Advice Fareham work?

Everyone visiting us for the first time,  or  coming to see us about a new subject if they have been before,  just drops in, without an appointment. Our initial checkers are all experienced volunteers who will find out what you have come for help with. They will deal with any emergencies, direct you to information on our national website,  signpost you to another appropriate organisation, book you an appointment or return you to the waiting room for the next available adviser to see you for a full advice session.  This system means we are able to keep waiting times much shorter, those that need to see someone for a full advice exploration do so as soon as an adviser becomes free, and those with less complex (but not necessarily less serious) issues are dealt with quickly and not kept longer than is needed.

 Our advisers are trained to deal with all subjects and will help you as much as possible. There are internal specialists and external agencies that offer further help and support when needed. You may be referred to an outside specialist if necessary. We want to give you advice and support to help you deal with your difficulties. This may involve negotiating and writing letters on your behalf.  

Telephone for Advice: 0808  278 7964

This service is  available Monday to Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm and Saturday 9:30am-1:00pm.

Citizens Advice Fareham is part of Citizens Advice Hampshire's Adviceline                                                        

Calls to this service cost the same as calling 01 & 02 numbers.  When calling Adviceline from a landline,  Adviceline will automatically look at your area code (Fareham is 01329) and direct your call to the closest available adviser. 

If we cannot take your call at Fareham, your call will be routed to the next closest available Citizens Advice Office such as Citizens Advice Gosport or Citizens Advice Cosham. 

Calling from a mobile? 

Not a problem! You will be asked to enter an area code; Fareham's is 01329. 

Please Remember;

This line is reliant on  volunteer advisers across Hampshire. That means that when there are fewer advisers available to volunteer, you may experience a queue.

Request a home visit

We run a home visiting service for anyone who is unable to get to any of our venues due to illness or disability, caring responsibilities or childcare issues. 

Please call our admin line on 01329 237121 (Monday to Friday 9:30 - 4:00pm) to discuss if the service is right for you  (please note, you will not be given advice via this number - if you want telephone advice please call the Adviceline on 0808 278 7964.)

Advice by Webchat and email

Citizens Advice offers a web-chat service, and Citizens Advice Fareham is part of this service. The service can be accessed from the national Citizens Advice website between 10:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday